Jamel Akib
17th September 2022
The Committee were delighted that 74 members and guests turned up for the first live demonstration for over 2 years. Well-known and well-respected local artist, Jamel Akib was certainly a draw but people said they were happy to be back, to be able to catch up with friends and fellow artists again.
Jamel's theme was 'movement'. He used oil paints and a large flat brush to sketch out a kingfisher, using quick, broad strokes. He gave himself a challenge of completing the outline in "20 strokes". It may have been slightly more than that - but we lost count as we became absorbed in his technique and commentary. As he painted, Jamel gave plenty of worthwhile tips and advice, useful for oil painting, as well as other media. He used examples of his own paintings and other artists to explain some of his points.
He had prepared the background beforehand, and he used a darker tone to cut in around the shape of the bird, allowing some of the lighter ground to show through. Jamel used a cloth to constantly clean his brush and palette, in order to keep the colours true. In some places he dragged his brush away from the bird, emphasising its brilliant colours and movement.
After the tea break, Jamel used an old canvas, brushing over a painting he was unhappy with. Using similar techniques to the first, this time showing a puffin in flight, its wings blurred as though in motion. I am sure Jamel inspired us all to get those oil paints (or other media) out and paint LARGE AND BRIGHT and WITH MOVEMENT!